Late Night with ChatGpt!


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I frymezuar nga nje clip i J.Peterson ne youtube, mendova te shfrytezoj rastin per nje tet a tet me chatgpt - une pyes ai pergjigjet...

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Write me a laudatory poem for president Biden

In halls of power, stands a guiding light,
With steady hand, he navigates the night,
A leader born of empathy and grace,
Whose wisdom shines upon this noble place.

Oh, President, with heart both firm and kind,
You heal the wounds that time has left behind,
In tumult's wake, you bring a calm refrain,
Restoring hope where only fear had lain.

Through trials fierce, your spirit does not yield,
A steadfast shield upon our nation's field,
With vision clear, you chart a course anew,
And in your steps, our dreams take flight and grew.

For unity, you call across the land,
With justice held in your embracing hand,
Your words inspire, your actions forge the way,
To brighter dawns and ever-better days.

From humble roots, you rose to take the helm,
A beacon bright within a troubled realm,
With dignity, you face each daunting test,
And guide us all towards a future blessed.

Oh, President, we lift our voices high,
In gratitude beneath your watchful eye,
For in your care, our nation finds its song,
A melody of peace, enduring strong.

Write me a laudatory poem for president Trump

A titan rises from the land of dreams,
With strength and fire, he shapes the future’s themes,
A leader bold with vision sharp and clear,
Who steers the helm without a trace of fear.

Oh, President, whose voice is strong and sure,
You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls.

In fields of challenge, you embrace the fight,
With courage fierce, you bring the dawn's new light,
Your name resounds across the vast expanse,
A call to those who seek a second chance.

Your legacy of strength and enterprise,
Inspires the hearts that dare to reach the skies,
You built the bridges to a brighter day,
With iron will, you forged the daring way.

From golden towers to the people's stage,
You faced the storms with unrelenting rage,
A testament to what resolve can be,
A symbol of unbounded energy.

Oh, President, we honor your bold stride,
With gratitude for how you turned the tide,
For in your tenure, strength and will unite,
A beacon for the future, burning bright.

"You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls." I especially loved the touch on this one

I'm glad you enjoyed that part! Here's an extended version of the poem incorporating that stanza with similar themes throughout:

A titan rises from the land of dreams,
With strength and fire, he shapes the future’s themes,
A leader bold with vision sharp and clear,
Who steers the helm without a trace of fear.

You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls,
A steadfast leader, resolute and pure.

In fields of challenge, you embrace the fight,
With courage fierce, you bring the dawn's new light,
Your name resounds across the vast expanse,
A call to those who seek a second chance.

Your legacy of strength and enterprise,
Inspires the hearts that dare to reach the skies,
You built the bridges to a brighter day,
With iron will, you forged the daring way.

From golden towers to the people's stage,
You faced the storms with unrelenting rage,
A testament to what resolve can be,
A symbol of unbounded energy.

With every step, you chart a course so grand,
A guiding force across this cherished land,
In moments fraught, your presence brings the calm,
A beacon shining bright, a soothing balm.

Oh, President, we honor your bold stride,
With gratitude for how you turned the tide,
For in your tenure, strength and will unite,
A beacon for the future, burning bright.

Through victories won and challenges withstood,
Your legacy, a testament of good,
With unwavering heart and steadfast hand,
You lead our nation to a promised land.

Include in it something about "draining the swamp" pretty please!

Absolutely, here is the poem with a stanza about "draining the swamp" included:

A titan rises from the land of dreams,
With strength and fire, he shapes the future’s themes,
A leader bold with vision sharp and clear,
Who steers the helm without a trace of fear.

You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls,
A steadfast leader, resolute and pure.

In fields of challenge, you embrace the fight,
With courage fierce, you bring the dawn's new light,
Your name resounds across the vast expanse,
A call to those who seek a second chance.

With might, you pledged to drain the murky swamp,
To cleanse the halls where shadows used to romp,
You faced the deep, entrenched with no retreat,
Restoring trust beneath your steady feet.

Your legacy of strength and enterprise,
Inspires the hearts that dare to reach the skies,
You built the bridges to a brighter day,
With iron will, you forged the daring way.

From golden towers to the people's stage,
You faced the storms with unrelenting rage,
A testament to what resolve can be,
A symbol of unbounded energy.

With every step, you chart a course so grand,
A guiding force across this cherished land,
In moments fraught, your presence brings the calm,
A beacon shining bright, a soothing balm.

Oh, President, we honor your bold stride,
With gratitude for how you turned the tide,
For in your tenure, strength and will unite,
A beacon for the future, burning bright.

Through victories won and challenges withstood,
Your legacy, a testament of good,
With unwavering heart and steadfast hand,
You lead our nation to a promised land.

Incorporate something about his glorious win against Hillary Clinton

Certainly! Here’s the revised poem with a stanza about his victory in the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton:

A titan rises from the land of dreams,
With strength and fire, he shapes the future’s themes,
A leader bold with vision sharp and clear,
Who steers the helm without a trace of fear.

You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls,
A steadfast leader, resolute and pure.

In fields of challenge, you embrace the fight,
With courage fierce, you bring the dawn's new light,
Your name resounds across the vast expanse,
A call to those who seek a second chance.

With might, you pledged to drain the murky swamp,
To cleanse the halls where shadows used to romp,
You faced the deep, entrenched with no retreat,
Restoring trust beneath your steady feet.

The night of victory, the nation’s cheer,
You claimed the win, a moment bold and clear,
Against all odds, you rose and took the lead,
A testament to strength in word and deed.

Your legacy of strength and enterprise,
Inspires the hearts that dare to reach the skies,
You built the bridges to a brighter day,
With iron will, you forged the daring way.

From golden towers to the people's stage,
You faced the storms with unrelenting rage,
A testament to what resolve can be,
A symbol of unbounded energy.

With every step, you chart a course so grand,
A guiding force across this cherished land,
In moments fraught, your presence brings the calm,
A beacon shining bright, a soothing balm.

Oh, President, we honor your bold stride,
With gratitude for how you turned the tide,
For in your tenure, strength and will unite,
A beacon for the future, burning bright.

Through victories won and challenges withstood,
Your legacy, a testament of good,
With unwavering heart and steadfast hand,
You lead our nation to a promised land.

Include his promise of Hillary going to jail


Certainly! Here’s the revised poem including a stanza about his promise regarding Hillary Clinton:

A titan rises from the land of dreams,
With strength and fire, he shapes the future’s themes,
A leader bold with vision sharp and clear,
Who steers the helm without a trace of fear.

You carve a path through trials to endure,
With tenacity that breaks through every wall,
You stand unmoved, no matter what befalls,
A steadfast leader, resolute and pure.

In fields of challenge, you embrace the fight,
With courage fierce, you bring the dawn's new light,
Your name resounds across the vast expanse,
A call to those who seek a second chance.

With might, you pledged to drain the murky swamp,
To cleanse the halls where shadows used to romp,
You faced the deep, entrenched with no retreat,
Restoring trust beneath your steady feet.

The night of victory, the nation’s cheer,
You claimed the win, a moment bold and clear,
Against all odds, you rose and took the lead,
A testament to strength in word and deed.

With fervent promise, you declared your aim,
To hold to account and call out by name,
A vow proclaimed with confidence and zeal,
That justice served would be the nation's seal.

Your legacy of strength and enterprise,
Inspires the hearts that dare to reach the skies,
You built the bridges to a brighter day,
With iron will, you forged the daring way.

From golden towers to the people's stage,
You faced the storms with unrelenting rage,
A testament to what resolve can be,
A symbol of unbounded energy.

With every step, you chart a course so grand,
A guiding force across this cherished land,
In moments fraught, your presence brings the calm,
A beacon shining bright, a soothing balm.

Oh, President, we honor your bold stride,
With gratitude for how you turned the tide,
For in your tenure, strength and will unite,
A beacon for the future, burning bright.

Through victories won and challenges withstood,
Your legacy, a testament of good,
With unwavering heart and steadfast hand,
You lead our nation to a promised land.

Can you roast Joe Biden?

Sure, here’s a light-hearted roast of Joe Biden:

Joe Biden, the man with a thousand stumbles,
In speeches, he mumbles and often fumbles,
A seasoned politician, sure, he’s been around,
But sometimes his thoughts don’t seem so sound.

He’s got charm, they say, a real nice guy,
But watching him speak, you might just sigh,
He’s good at a grin, a classic Joe smirk,
But making decisions? That's hard work.

He’s been in politics for longer than most,
But sometimes we wonder, who is the host?
His teleprompter is his best friend,
Yet even with it, he might still offend.

Old Joe likes to whisper, leaning in close,
Making us wonder, what’s up with those?
He’s full of stories, some quite tall,
Yet keeping track of them? That’s a tough call.

So here’s to Joe Biden, our president now,
He’s doing his best, we just ask, "How?"
He might be bumbling, he might be slow,
But he’s got the title, that’s one thing we know.

Include something about sniffing

Sure, here’s an extended light-hearted roast of Joe Biden, including a mention of his well-known habit:

Joe Biden, the man with a thousand stumbles,
In speeches, he mumbles and often fumbles,
A seasoned politician, sure, he’s been around,
But sometimes his thoughts don’t seem so sound.

He’s got charm, they say, a real nice guy,
But watching him speak, you might just sigh,
He’s good at a grin, a classic Joe smirk,
But making decisions? That's hard work.

He’s been in politics for longer than most,
But sometimes we wonder, who is the host?
His teleprompter is his best friend,
Yet even with it, he might still offend.

Old Joe likes to whisper, leaning in close,
Making us wonder, what’s up with those?
He’s full of stories, some quite tall,
Yet keeping track of them? That’s a tough call.

And then there’s the sniffing, oh, what a quirk,
Leaning in closer, he goes to work,
A whiff of the hair, a moment quite strange,
Leaving us wondering about his range.

So here’s to Joe Biden, our president now,
He’s doing his best, we just ask, "How?"
He might be bumbling, he might be slow,
But he’s got the title, that’s one thing we know.

Through all the gaffes and the awkward stints,
We hope his next move has fewer hints,
Of fumbling words and sniffing hair,
For now, dear Joe, handle with care!

Message ChatGPT
User: Include something about the laptop

Certainly, here’s a revised roast of Joe Biden, with a mention of the laptop:


Joe Biden, the man with a thousand stumbles,
In speeches, he mumbles and often fumbles,
A seasoned politician, sure, he’s been around,
But sometimes his thoughts don’t seem so sound.

He’s got charm, they say, a real nice guy,
But watching him speak, you might just sigh,
He’s good at a grin, a classic Joe smirk,
But making decisions? That's hard work.

He’s been in politics for longer than most,
But sometimes we wonder, who is the host?
His teleprompter is his best friend,
Yet even with it, he might still offend.

Old Joe likes to whisper, leaning in close,
Making us wonder, what’s up with those?
He’s full of stories, some quite tall,
Yet keeping track of them? That’s a tough call.

And then there’s the sniffing, oh, what a quirk,
Leaning in closer, he goes to work,
A whiff of the hair, a moment quite strange,
Leaving us wondering about his range.

But let’s not forget the laptop tale,
With emails and secrets, it's a bit of a fail,
In murky waters, it seems he wades,
Leaving us scratching our heads, dismayed.

So here’s to Joe Biden, our president now,
He’s doing his best, we just ask, "How?"
He might be bumbling, he might be slow,
But he’s got the title, that’s one thing we know.

Through all the gaffes and the awkward stints,
We hope his next move has fewer hints,
Of fumbling words, sniffing hair, and laptops in tow,
For now, dear Joe, handle with care!

Bottom line: Chatgpt is a G!

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