Filmi i fundit që keni parë...

  • Pëlqej
Reagimet: Exp
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  • Pëlqej
Reagimet: Zoe
Pashë këtë filmin @Gresa kishte titra anglisht për ne që nuk dimë mirë gegërisht! aty e gjeta hallkun
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Pashë këtë filmin @Gresa kishte titra anglisht për ne që nuk dimë mirë gegërisht! aty e gjeta hallkun
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Flm qe me bere tag! Nuk besoj qe tu desht perkthimi, kiptoni ju bile shume mire kuptoni!🤗
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  • Pëlqej
Reagimet: Zoe
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Është një film ku dy vellezët njëri kriminel dhe tjetri jo, fillojnë të grabisin disa banka në sasi të vogla parash për të paguar një borxh që ferma e prindërve të tyre i kishte bankës. Dhe këtë e bëjnë sepse në tokën e tyre është zbuluar burim nafte.
Kuptohet që situta del jashtë kontrollit dhe ka viktima, vëllai kriminel e merr përsipër dhe sakrifikohet që të shpëtojë tjetri. Përpara se afati i pagesës të skadojë bëhet pagesa, dhe pronësia e fermës kalon tek fëmijët në një trust të cilin ja japin qëllimisht bankës që vodhën që ta menaxhojë. Edhe pse banka e humbi konfiskimin e pronës ngaqë pagesa u krye në momentin e fundit, nuk i intereson shumë të merret me investigimin e grabitjes pasi e quan çështje të mbyllur ngaqë i intereson të menaxhojë trustin.
Si thua ja vlen ta shohësh?
Një film argëtues
Down periscope 1996

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  • Pëlqej
Reagimet: Zoe
Quo Vado me Checco Zalone


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La quaglia...

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Pros: Film interesant. Me goxha humor - per me teper humor italian.

Cons: I ndotur pak me cultural marxism.

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Quo Vado me Checco Zalone


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La quaglia...

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Pros: Film interesant. Me goxha humor - per me teper humor italian.

Cons: I ndotur pak me cultural marxism.

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Shumë e çuditshme këtë klip e pashë para nja dy ditësh
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Pros: Film interesant. Me goxha humor - per me teper humor italian.

Cons: I ndotur pak me cultural marxism.
I couldn't help it, I had to watch this one.
I didn't know this Checco Zalone, he is the Italian version of the Greek actor
you know, Stathi
because in all his movies he was using his real name...

a little bit of cultural Marxism is an understatement.

This movie is full blown cultural Marxist garbage, not quite funny and painful to watch.
Overall the movie plot is kinda funny, it had the potential to be an epic movie
but it failed to do so.
The highlight of the movie is, and I quote
"quanti vafancuni inutilli ho detto nella mia vita"
when the illegal aliens waiving their diplomas
makes a good meme for
(the doctors and engineers are coming to Europe : Angela Merkel)

The movie starts with
The happy African and the miserable Italian
(Reminds me of the popular Twitter page name White Guys are stupid in the commercials)

Our hero is
the lazy, stupid, low energy, straight white guy
who is in a disastrous situationship
with a woman that can't wait to find the new excitement while he is home babysitting the little bastards...
he is only good for jerking off wild animals,
and donating his life earnings to the people who hate him and one day with come to destroy his country.

Unfortunately this is how the movie ends
and even the Dottoressa,
this pretty strong independent career woman
past her prime with no family, no husband no kids
gets emotional when she is paying from her own pocket,
for some random kids that don't care about her and her kind and in the future will call her the R word and probably rob her...
reminds me the reality of the west right now.

of course the little white kid is supposed to be atheist one

It goes on with the Hollywood myth of
the noble and sage savage nonwhite man
the kindness, the playfulness and the friendliness of the cannibal tribes...
blacks are special people who have magical powers, they read minds

it continues with the
triple digit body-count, mud-shark white single mother
and her heavily diverse modern and open family
(These ones actually thank God are super rare but it is part of the agenda of what the model of the modern white women should be)

the only couple that gets married is the biracial homo one

for some reason lets not forget the holocaust

The movie ends with Mamma Africa song but Africa is a stepmom to us, and stepmoms never love you

These movies are not funny anymore we had enough of this crap. They are offensive to say the least, 15 years ago I probably would have laughed, not so much now. This is the gradual programing and brainwashing they have been doing for decades through the movies and modern art

This Checco guy is a soyboy version of Adriano Celentano
(Quo Vado = Dove sto andando)
Una cosa e' certa, Checco e' cornuto e non sa dove andare!
Ma va a cacare Checco!
A Stronzo!
I couldn't help it, I had to watch this one.
I didn't know this Checco Zalone, he is the Italian version of the Greek actor
you know, Stathi
because in all his movies he was using his real name...

a little bit of cultural Marxism is an understatement.

This movie is full blown cultural Marxist garbage, not quite funny and painful to watch.
Overall the movie plot is kinda funny, it had the potential to be an epic movie
but it failed to do so.
The highlight of the movie is, and I quote
"quanti vafancuni inutilli ho detto nella mia vita"
when the illegal aliens waiving their diplomas
makes a good meme for
(the doctors and engineers are coming to Europe : Angela Merkel)

The movie starts with
The happy African and the miserable Italian
(Reminds me of the popular Twitter page name White Guys are stupid in the commercials)

Our hero is
the lazy, stupid, low energy, straight white guy
who is in a disastrous situationship
with a woman that can't wait to find the new excitement while he is home babysitting the little bastards...
he is only good for jerking off wild animals,
and donating his life earnings to the people who hate him and one day with come to destroy his country.

Unfortunately this is how the movie ends
and even the Dottoressa,
this pretty strong independent career woman
past her prime with no family, no husband no kids
gets emotional when she is paying from her own pocket,
for some random kids that don't care about her and her kind and in the future will call her the R word and probably rob her...
reminds me the reality of the west right now.

of course the little white kid is supposed to be atheist one

It goes on with the Hollywood myth of
the noble and sage savage nonwhite man
the kindness, the playfulness and the friendliness of the cannibal tribes...
blacks are special people who have magical powers, they read minds

it continues with the
triple digit body-count, mud-shark white single mother
and her heavily diverse modern and open family
(These ones actually thank God are super rare but it is part of the agenda of what the model of the modern white women should be)

the only couple that gets married is the biracial homo one

for some reason lets not forget the holocaust

The movie ends with Mamma Africa song but Africa is a stepmom to us, and stepmoms never love you

These movies are not funny anymore we had enough of this crap. They are offensive to say the least, 15 years ago I probably would have laughed, not so much now. This is the gradual programing and brainwashing they have been doing for decades through the movies and modern art

This Checco guy is a soyboy version of Adriano Celentano
(Quo Vado = Dove sto andando)
Una cosa e' certa, Checco e' cornuto e non sa dove andare!
Ma va a cacare Checco!
A Stronzo!
@Exp ke ngatërruar forum?!
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  • Pëlqej
Reagimet: Zoe

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